Overheating planet, collapsing nature, social injustice

Big related crises

Let’s make a path forward together!


Converging Crises

Global warming is coming at us, bringing a tangle of interrelated crises.  These could worsen suddenly and soon.

Like it or not, we’re facing big changes in how we live. Let’s make this by design, not disaster! More


The single most important way of avoiding catastrophic warming is to end greenhouse emissions – in rich countries like NZ by 2030.

This can only be done by a major re-set of our society.

It’s doable. Countries do respond when faced with dire emergencies. Read our Summary of Solutions.

Let’s get these ideas into our elections

Let’s build a coalition to put forward a platform of these solutions.

A wero/challenge to political candidates.

A pathway to survival for all of us together. More


Centuries of domination and exploitation of land, sea and people have brought our planetary home to an existential catastrophe. We acknowledge with grateful respect the generations of knowledge-bearing people, including Tangata Whenua, who despite hardship and loss have resolutely sustained their interconnections with Te Taiao and their responsibility to it.

Ka nui a mātou mihi ki a rātou!!

We believe efforts to minimise and roll back the unfolding catastrophe will be stronger if the best available minds from both Tiriti partners are working in concert.

With humility and willingness to listen and learn, we submit this draft list of suggestions as a potential rallying point in the hope of drawing together a collective of diverse but like-minded groups.

Solutions – Join the Conversation

Tiriti Justice & Co-Governance

Change the way decisions are made to give everyone a voice – Tangata Whenua and Tangata Tiriti (or Tauiwi) – rather than big business. More

Te Taiao

Repair and protect the land, water and wild areas we depend on for food and life. More

Economy of Enough

Shift to a steady-state economy aimed at collective welfare, not greed and resource overshoot. More

Use Less Energy

Bring in a managed energy descent – reduce energy use and minimise waste. More

End Inequality

End inequality of wealth, housing and income security. More

End Emissions

End Aotearoa’s production of greenhouse emissions. More

Plan and Prepare

Plan and rebuild our homes, cities and infrastructure NOW to meet the climate challenges. More

Align Foreign Policy

Align Aotearoa’s foreign policy with these measures. More

Join the Conversation!

Read and comment on these ideas by clicking one of the eight solutions above.

Read our Summary of Solutions.