Pathway to Survival – About Us
Co-creating a pathway to survival
We are a group of people from within Extinction Rebellion (XR) groups in Aotearoa who want the government to take urgent decisive action on the intersecting crises of ecosystem collapse, climate and social injustice and colonisation.
Before COP26 in November 2021, we wrote and delivered an Open Letter to Jacinda Ardern, asking her to “go hard and fast” at COP26.
Since then, Covid and war have brought closer to home the possibility of a sudden crisis event requiring the government to declare a state of emergency.
We see this as an opportunity for like-minded groups to put together a set of solutions for government to adopt to give Aotearoa a pathway to survival and to be a platform for debate during the 2023 election.
While we work within XRA’s broad kaupapa, in putting forward the detailed ideas in this Pathway, our group does not claim to speak on behalf of all XR groups.
Since 2019 Extinction Rebellion (XR) in Aotearoa has sounded the alarm about the interrelated crises, demanding that government take urgent decisive emergency action.
But the solutions to the crises span all parts of society and it will take all of us working together to create the path forward.
We’ve been inspired by the mahi of many people and groups, including Te Waka Hourua, Rise Up for Climate Justice Aotearoa, Matike Mai, Anne Salmond, Moana Jackson, Coal Action Network Aotearoa, Mike Joy, Jason Hickel, Max Rashbrooke, Our Climate Declaration, Terrence Loomis, Greenpeace Aotearoa, Better Ancestors, and many more.
You an support our work by making a donation to XR Pathway to Survival at 38-9020-0347029-02.
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